Applied Technology Integration in Governmental Organizations: New E-Government Research: New E-Government Research

· IGI Global
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The forces shaping governmental adoption and distribution of e-government are in many cases the same as those influencing modern political, environmental, and social crises, making close study of e-government a priority for all.

Applied Technology Integration in Governmental Organizations: New E-Government Research presents academicians, practitioners, and professionals with quality applied research results in the field of electronic and digital government, its applications, and impacts on governmental organizations around the world. This book provides organizational and managerial directions to support the greater use and management of electronic or digital government technologies in organizations, while epitomizing the current e-government research available. This field is exponentially expanding both in applications and importance, making the research in this book vital to preparing for the future of government and providing for societies of tomorrow.

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Vishanth Weerakkody is a member of faculty in the Business School at Brunel University (UK). VW was previously a faculty member in the Department of IS and Computing at Brunel University and he has held various IT positions in multinational organizations, including IBM UK. VW is a member of the British Computer Society, Chartered IT professional and a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy. He is the current Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Electronic Government Research. [Editor]

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