Art of Urethral Reconstruction - E-Book

· Elsevier Health Sciences
3 пікір
Электрондық кітап

Осы электрондық кітап туралы ақпарат

  • Most of the patients with urethral stricture can be treated by the techniques described in the book.
  • The book offers detailed information on the different techniques with surgical steps illustrated by color photos used by the authors for the treatment of male urethral strictures.
  • Authored by world leaders in the field of urethral reconstruction.
  • "Urethra is Urethra, Penis is Penis and don't touch Penis". These are the words of Dr. Guido Barbagli's patient with urethral stricture. It is important that patients are listened to carefully and their expectations are fullfilled. This book follows this principle.

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3 пікір

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