At Home In Mossy Creek

· The Mossy Creek Series 第 6 本图书 · BelleBooks


It's Valentine's Day weekend in Mossy Creek, and Creekites don't need any new romantic dilemmas.

The town's still buzzing over Ida and Amos's kiss. Hannah's heart flutters every time a certain handsome Scottish photographer walks into her library. Peggy's debating her first real date since her husband died. Harry's keeping a romantic secret from Josie. Sandy's got a romantic surprise for Jess. Sagan has to decide whether he and Emily really are a couple, and Win Allen's preparing his restaurant for the biggest night of the year. So what could make the weekend more Chaotic? The Circus! Cirque d'Europa is stranded in Mossy Creek, and Creekites find themselves hosting some very strange characters with romantic problems of their own.


Contemporary romance novelist Deborah Smith is a former newspaper editor. She writes under her own name as well as under the pseudonyms Jackie Leigh and Jacqueline Lennox. She has written around forty novels indcluding A Place to Call Home and When Venus Fell, which both received awards from Romantic Times magazine. She also won a Career Achievement Award from Romantic Times magazine. She is a founding partner of BelleBooks, which is a small southern press known for feel good southern fiction including the Mossy Creek Hometown series and the Sweet Tea story collections.




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