At the Confines of the Invisible. Illustrated Indoor Haiku

· Illusions কিতাপ 14 · Créatique

এই ইবুকখনৰ বিষয়ে

লিখকৰ বিষয়ে

Cornéliu Tocan

Member of UNEQ, QWF, TWUC, IWA / AEI

writer, poet, author, literary translator, illustrator

Cornéliu Tocan is a Canadian-Quebec writer, poet, author, literary translator and illustrator, member of Union des Écri­vaines et Écrivains Québécois (UNEQ), Quebec Writers' Federation (QWF), Writers' Union of Canada (TWUC) and Immigrant Writers Association / Association des Écrivains Immigrants (IWA / AÉI), predominantly of French expression, who creates and translates his compositions in four languages: French – as mother tongue –, English, Spanish and Romanian.

His first collection of flash fiction, Chutes microscopiques. 50 micronouvelles illustrées, is issued in 2019 under the aegis of two publishing houses: Créatique and the prestigious national university publisher Tehnopress from Romania. Créatique has had translated his books into eleven languages, with editions in English, Romanian, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian and Vietnamese, available on digital platforms with distribution in 79 countries.

His literary translations include the creations of the American poet Emily Dickinson, poets of the ­Canadian Confederation, poets of the Great War, Romanian poets George Toparceanu, Ienachita Vacarescu, George Cosbuc and Quebec poet Émile Nelligan.­

In 2020, Cornéliu Tocan authors a book on mathematics, introducing a new didactical approach, intended for teachers and mathematics Olympians.

His works are prefaced by consecrated writers, poets, literary critics, professors and literature professionals:  Nicolas F. Paquin, Ionel Bostan Ph.D., Constantin Dram Ph.D., Aurora Ciuca Stef Ph.D., Seyed H. Mahdavinoor Ph.D., Mong Hieu Nguyen B.Litt.,  Diana Ismagilova M.A.Philol., Marc  Laforest Ph.D..

Chutes microscopiques. 50 micronouvelles illustréesMicroscopic Twists. 50 Illustrated Microstories (2019), Illusions-1: French, English, Romanian (Canada, Romania), Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Vietnamese, Russian, Portuguese.

Promeneur dans le jardin. Haïkus automnaux illustrés – Walker in the Garden. Illustrated Autumnal Haiku  (2020), Illusions-2: French, English, Romanian (Canada, Romania)­.

Aux confins de l’invisible. Haïkus d’intérieur illustrésAt the Confines of the Invisible. Illustrated Indoor Haiku (2020), Illusions-3: French, English, Romanian (Canada, Romania)­.

Variables excentriques… au propre et au figuré – Eccentric Variables... Literally and Figurately (2020), Universitas-5, French.

এই ইবুকখনক মূল্যাংকন কৰক

আমাক আপোনাৰ মতামত জনাওক।

পঢ়াৰ নির্দেশাৱলী

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লেপটপ আৰু কম্পিউটাৰ
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