Beginner’s Guide to Earthworm Farming: Simple Ideas for a Sustainable World

· Penguin Random House South Africa
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If you are concerned about the health of our planet then turn your attention to what lies under your feet. Working in the soil below are creatures that play a pivotal role in producing the food we eat and impacting the quality of our food crops. Earthworms were described by Darwin as the most important species on our planet and by Aristotle as ‘the intestines of the earth’. Beginner’s Guide to Earthworm Farming provides all the information you need on these remarkable creatures and how important they are to the functioning of life on Earth. The content includes how earthworms benefit the environment, your garden and the economy; the role earthworms play in reducing carbon emissions and removing heavy metals and toxins from our soil; how you can set up your own earthworm farm or compost heap; recyling, how waste negatively impacts water and the environment, how to effectively reduce kitchen waste; and much more.

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