Bestseller : Start a Business From Nothing: Be An Entrepreneur

· Harkamal preet pal singh ubhi
73 шүүмж
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Start a Business from Nothing -Be An Entrepreneur should be read not just by aspiring entrepreneurs but by anyone seeking a thoughtful alternative to the current pervasive gloom about the prospects for the world

A ground-breaking and thought-provoking book on innovation and what it takes for a new company to prosper, from the founder of one of the most successful start-ups .

The Entrepreneur Mind- Start a Business from Nothing is a book that explains how to work on your innovative concepts as businessman . The way to start a company has changed drastically over the time and this book will explain you how to utilize this change to our benefit. The book provides the plan, how a 'startup' is a company devoted to creating something innovative under circumstances of extreme uncertainty. Every one of us has one thing in common and that is to clear the way of uncertainty and reach the target of having a sustainable, unbeaten and balanced company.

The book emphasizes on the developed companies that are both economically proficient and make use of human imagination more frequently.  In this manner, it a organization to move directions with agility, altering plans inch by inch, minute by minute. The book make you learn entrepreneurship, in organization of all sizes, a way to judge their vision continuously and to adapt and adjust according to situation.



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73 шүүмж

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HARKAMAL PREET PAL SINGH UBHI Founder of Ubhi Consultant which is failed in its first year. I was born in India, Punjab, in a Small city (Phagwara). I am B.Tech graduate Basically an Electrical and Electronics Engineer. A researcher (hybrid system, turbines,  and Alternators). I am passionate about the internet, writing, reading, and public speaking.

I won many prizes in school/ college activities. At IIT roorkee cognizance event in 2015,2016 years,  I won 3 prizes. A National Level player of air pistol shooter (A sportsman).

My confidence level built up in such a way, I was never afraid of taking risks. I am energetic and full of life, loves motivating, mentoring, coaching, and helping other people.

I was among millions who struggled, failed, and surged ahead in search of success, happiness, and contentment.

All I had was an undying learning attitude to hold on to. Rowing through ups and downs, it was time that taught me the true meaning of my life. I am able to share the secret of my success with the entire world. My urge of helping people and doing something good for a society inspired me to take the initiative of changing people’s lives.

The starting point

As a young guy, I started doing everything I could. Right from joining a multi-level marketing company. I left no stone unturned. Like every middle-class guy, I have a bunch of unclear dreams and a great vision of goals in my life.

I believe ‘To Never Fear of Failures’ &” If you have more than you need As a result simply share it with those who need it the most.

My vision is to ignite and changing people’s lives and to help them succeed as leaders.

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