Now a man has appeared claiming to be Stephen, but is he really? Neither Eliza nor Nicholas think so, but then, after so many years away, who can say for certain? Still, bringing this man back into the Framingham family is a risk, one Eliza is not willing to take without some little bit of confirmation that the man is really her brother.
Can Nicholas, who has always felt responsible for both Stephen's departure and Eliza's well-being, use his vast resources to determine if this man really is his long-lost friend? More importantly, can he resist the sweet charms of the suddenly very delectable Lady Eliza? Or will she manage to do the one thing no other woman has - seduce the Bloody Duke into marriage?
Making her home in the mountains of central Pennsylvania, Bethany Sefchick lives with her husband, Ed, and a plethora of Betta fish that she’s constantly finding new ways to entertain. In addition to writing, Bethany owns a jewelry company, Easily Distracted Designs.
When not penning romance novels or creating sparkly treasures, she enjoys cooking, scrapbooking, and lavishing attention on any stray cats who happen to be hanging around. She always enjoys hearing from her fans at: