Blood Trail

· Blood Books Sách 2 · Astra Publishing House
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This second exciting installment in the Blood Books urban fantasy series finds paranormal PI Vicki Nelson once again teaming up with the 450-year-old vampire Henry Fitzroy

Henry needs Vicki’s help to find the killer who is massacring his friends one by one—members of a secretive but peaceful werewolf pack

For centuries, the werewolves of Toronto have managed to live in peace and tranquility, hidden quietly away on their London, Ontario farm. But now, someone has learned their secret—and is systematically massacring this ancient race.

The only one they can turn to is Henry Fitzroy. Forced to hide from the light of day, Henry can’t hunt the killer alone, so he enlists the help of Vicki Nelson, an ex-cop turned paranormal private investigator.

Her ex—and former partner in the Toronto police force—Mike Celluci, complicates things further by turning up to share his suspicions about Henry’s secretive background.

As they race against time to stop the murderer, they begin to fear that their combined talents may not be enough to prevent him from completing his deadly plan.

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1 bài đánh giá

Giới thiệu tác giả

Tanya Huff may have left Nova Scotia at three, and has lived most of her life since in Ontario, but she still considers herself a Maritimer. On the way to the idyllic rural existence she shares with her partner Fiona Patton, six cats, and a chihuahua, she acquired a degree in Radio and Television Arts from Ryerson Polytechnic—an education she was happy to finally use while writing her recent Smoke novels. Of her previous twenty-three books, the five—Blood Price, Blood Trail, Blood Lines, Blood Pact, Blood Debt—featuring Henry Fitzroy, bastard son of Henry VIII, romance writer, and vampire are among the most popular.

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