Brilliant Besties

· Hardie Grant Egmont
5 ta sharh
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The best-selling Australian GO GIRL series is back and bigger than ever!
Everyone loves hanging out with their besties, whether at school, during parties or even at home! Join Holly, Annabelle and Lola in this bumper collection of Go Girl favourites.
  • In Class Captain, Holly and her best friend want to be voted in as captain of their class. But will this change their friendship?
  • In Birthday GirlAnnabelle is planning her birthday party - but everything keeps going wrong! Will she be able to make it the best birthday ever, or will it be a total disaster?  
  • In Karate KicksLola is trying so hard to get along with her new stepbrother, Will, that she even takes up karate, which is his favourite sport. Will it bring them closer together, or karate-chop them apart?

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Muallif haqida

Rowan McAuley:
Rowan lives in Sydney, and has pretty much always done so. She has studied English Literature, Mandarin, counselling, and sculpture, and reads a lot of children's books. Her favourites are: C. S. Lewis, Roald Dahl, and Lewis Carroll. Rowan is responsible for writing some of the most successful and memorable stories and characters in the best-selling Go Girl! series. She loves reading and writing, because stories can take you out of your everyday life and put you right inside the feelings and experience of another person.

Meredith Badger
The first thing Meredith Badger ever wanted to be was a writer and illustrator. Actually, the very first thing she wanted to be was a tight-rope walker because she wanted to wear a tutu and carry a parasol. But once she realised her balance wasn’t all that great, she decided she’d like to make books instead. And this is exactly what she has done since her first published story appeared in DOLLY magazine at the age of 15. Today Meredith is the modest author of over 375,000 books sold across Australia and New Zealand, and is one of the main contributing authors of the phenomenal Go Girl! series.

​Chrissie Perry: 
Chrissie Perry is the author of over thirty books for children and young adults, including thirteen books in the popular Go Girl series and the award-winning Whisper. She lives with her husband, three children (who are stubbornly refusing to stay young) and an opinionated Maltese Shih Tzu called Gidget. 

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