Cane & Able: Save He Who Has the Mark

· Christian Publishing House

ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

Freelance journalist Don Lamplighter has another pre-apocalyptic adventure thrust on him in the thriller "Cane and Able." Lamplighter thought he could take a simple bus ride home, but when another passenger asks him for help, he begins a battle against a pedophile ring that infects every one of the stories on which he is working. Can he find the evidence to shut down the ring before the city's big July 4celebration? How is it related to Lamplighter's arch enemy who is a key cog in a global Satanic cult? Find out in "Cane and Able" from Christian Publishing House. 


 Dean M. Lichterman combines his 18-year background in print journalism with his study of Biblical prophecy to invent the pre-apocalyptic genre for his debut novel "Write Place, Right Time," as well as Cane & Able.

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