Case Studies from the Medical Records of Leading Chinese Acupuncture Experts

· Singing Dragon
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The ability to apply complex theory to practice is a vital skill for acupuncturists. Case studies and medical records are an extremely useful resource for understanding how to differentiate between different syndromes, and provide invaluable precedents for deciding upon appropriate methods of diagnosis and treatment.

This book presents a collection of real case studies of patients who have been treated by prominent acupuncture practitioners in China. The case studies are divided into five sub-categories of disease, and include information on the patient's medical history, presenting complaint, symptoms, tongue and pulse examination, diagnosis, treatment, and prescription as well as the Western diagnosis. More than 170 different case studies are included in the book, covering 73 different types of syndromes and disease. A useful appendix with the Chinese and English names for these syndromes is also included.

Compiled by leading experts at the China Beijing International Acupuncture Training Center (CBIATC), under the editorial direction of leading Chinese clinicians Zhu Bing and Wang Hongcai, this book is a useful reference for acupuncture practitioners and students at all levels.


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Zhu Bing and Wang Hongcai teach at the China Beijing International Acupuncture Training Center (CBIATC), an organisation founded in 1975 at the request of the World Health Organisation. CBIATC is one of the world's leading training organisations in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

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