Christmas In Venice: A Short Story

· Kuthengiswe ngu-Harper Collins
1.94K izibuyekezo

Mayelana nale ebook

Olivia's Christmas trip to Venice, Italy, should be a holiday dream come true. But when her unattended luggage becomes the focus of a handsome Italian policeman’s bomb investigation, she worries she won't even make it out of the Marco Polo Airport. Practically handcuffed to the best-looking man she’s ever seen, can Olivia convince him she isn’t a terrorist before he writes her off for good? Christmas in Venice is the perfect little treat to start the holidays off with a smile.

(This short story is adapted from the first chapter of Meadow Taylor’s newest full-length novel, Midnight in Venice, available now.)

Review: The story is a gift to the reader and shows the fun that can be had by reading a small story and expecting BIG THINGS for the rest of the story. —Authorsden

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1.94K izibuyekezo

Mayelana nomlobi

Meadow Taylor is the author of The Billionaire's Secrets and Falling for Rain, and the pen name for a pair of Ontario-based authors of historical fiction. Visit Meadow online at

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