Clutch: A Sins of Ashville Bad Boy Dark Romance

· Redline 5-р ном · Skye Callahan
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With that last gunshot, my world shattered.

I was left alone. All alone in a world I didn't understand. Fearing that I had no one, no one, who could get me out or understand.

I had wanted one final night. A final chance to win back the only person who knew what I'd been through. Who I could let see through the pain because I knew he'd experienced it himself.

I'd begged Colt to give me that one little thing. That one small moment of peace and bliss. A false glint of hope that I may not have to face these nightmares alone.

Well, I'd gotten one hell of a final night.

But it all turned into a fresh nightmare as soon as the sun rose.

Suddenly, I was alone. And my unplanned pregnancy was far from my biggest worry.

Sins of Ashville






★ All Sins of Ashville works contain dark elements, themes, or situations that may be triggering for some readers, so proceed with that in mind. A full list of trigger warnings can be found near the table of contents in the sample. The heroes and heroines (or anti-hero and anti-heroines, as the case may be) must fight and sacrifice for their survival and happy endings. If you're looking for rainbows and sweet nothings, Ashville is not the place for you, but if you want to explore the nature of human resilience and emotional extremes, jump in and enjoy the ride.

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