CouchDB and PHP Web Development Beginner's Guide

· Packt Publishing Ltd

О овој е-књизи

Each chapter follows the creation of a social networking application with step-by-step instructions. This means that you will have easily created a complete, working application by the end of the book. This book is for beginner and intermediate PHP developers interested in using CouchDB development in their projects. Advanced PHP developers will appreciate the familiarity of the PHP architecture and can easily learn how to incorporate CouchDB into their existing development experiences.

О аутору

Tim Juravich has architected and led development teams through a variety of projects in PHP, Ruby, and .NET. After gaining experience at several fortune 500 companies, Tim discovered entrepreneurship and founded three of his own startups. When not at work, Tim actively mentors engineers, contributes to open source projects, and works on a variety of side projects. I would like to thank my loving parents, my older...but smaller brother Jon, and my wife Leigha. Without Leigha's support and love through our first year of marriage, this book, and much more would not have been possible. I would also like to thank my clients and colleagues whom have provided invaluable opportunities for me to shape my career, my life, and my perspective on technology.

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