Countess by Christmas

· House of Haverstock 5-kitob · Harper & Appleton
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Inheriting Darnley Lodge from old Lord Paxton is the best thing that’s happened to lovely widow Mary Milne, whose fondest desire is to remove her ailing little boy from London’s noxious air.

Why in the devil did his dead father request that Lord Paxton spend Christmas at Darnley with the scheming woman who’s deprived him of his family’s old hunting lodge? 

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Cheryl Bolen is a former journalist and English teacher turned author with her first book in 1997, A Duke Deceived. Since then she has published over 20 books. She has made the New York Times and USA Today Best Seller Lists several times. She has earned several awards for her writing such as: Second Place Best Short Historical Novel 2015 International Digital Awards, Winner Best Historical Novel 2012 International Digital Awards, and First Place Best Short Historical, Holt Medallion Contest 2006.

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