In this international bestseller, Dr. Khayat provides easy-to-follow—and often surprising—guidelines on what are now known to be the foods most likely to reduce the risk of cancer. For those of a scientific bent, he explains what cancer is and how it develops. Bringing together his own research with that of other major cancer specialists, he breaks down what the studies mean, which ones provide the most solid evidence, and how to use their results in your and your family’s diet.
Structured by the major food groups—as well as supplements, beverages, and exercise—The Anticancer Diet may surprise you by not disparaging red meat but alerting you to find out the source of your fish and suggesting sole over salmon. While highly recommending commercial pomegranate juice, it cautions people with fair hair and eyes against drinking orange juice. What stage of life a person is at will also affect what they should consume. Pregnant women, older women, men, and children may process foods differently.
With numerous easy-to-read charts and tables along with a comprehensive food list at the back of the book, this accessible, user-friendly guide helps readers realize the power in their everyday choices.
David Khayat, MD, PhD, is the head of medical oncology at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris. He has taught at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and has been a visiting professor at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. He was president of the National Cancer Institute in France and appointed by the then-French president to head their war on cancer. He also cofounded the World Summit Against Cancer and was awarded the American Society of Clinical Oncology Distinguished Achievement Award.