Deconstructing Sport History: A Postmodern Analysis

· State University of New York Press
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This groundbreaking collection challenges the accepted principles and practices of sport history and encourages sport historians to be more adventurous in their representations of the sporting past in the present. Encompassing a wide range of critical approaches, leading international sport historians reflect on theory, practice, and the future of sport history. They survey the field of sport history since its inception, examine the principles that have governed the production of knowledge in sport history, and address the central concerns raised by the postmodern challenge to history. Sharing a common desire to critique contemporary practices in sport history, the contributors raise the level of critical analysis of the production of historical knowledge, provide examples of approaches by those who have struggled with or adapted to the postmodern challenge, and open up new avenues for future sport historians to follow.

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Murray G. Phillips is Senior Lecturer in the School of Human Movement Studies at The University of Queensland, Australia. He is the author of From Sidelines to Centre Field: A History of Sports Coaching in Australia.

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