
Crossroad Press

Teave selle e-raamatu kohta

 Dr. Joe Bryce, a dedicated physician, has spent the last three years in war-torn Africa.  Having left his millionaire fiancee at the altar, the con man continued his string of taking advantage of rich women to fund his living the high life on his yacht, the Dragonfly.  In Nimrod's Chapel, GA, he meets the hottest-selling American romance author, Abby Abelard -- a blindingly beautiful and wealthy woman, but one paralyzed after a hit-and-run accident.  Her uncle, Dr. Luke, and his wife, Charlene, a substance abuser, like Joe, have secrets of their own.  A number of other mysterious characters add to the intrigue and suspenseful storyline.  Abby's life has turned upside down. Friends are proving to be brutal enemies, and enemies terrifying friends.

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