Earth Observation for Flood Applications: Progress and Perspectives

· Elsevier


Earth Observation for Flood Applications: Progress and Perspectives describes the latest scientific advances in Earth Observation. With recent floods around the world becoming ever more devastating, there is a need for better science enabling more effective solutions at a fast pace. This book aims at stretching from the current flood mapping to diverse real data so as to estimate the flood risk and damage. Earth Observation for Flood Applications: Progress and Perspectives includes three parts containing each a separate but complementary topic area under floods. Each chapter unfolds various applications, case studies, and illustrative graphics. In terms of flood mapping and monitoring, the usage of multi-sensor satellite data, web-services information, microwave remote sensing methods are discussed in depth. So, this book is a valuable resource for scientists, researchers, and students in the area of earth observation.
  • Focuses in on one specific application field of Earth Observation
  • Brings the latest scientific advances and perspectives from experts around the world
  • Includes extensive figures, tables, and case studies to illustrate real-life applications


Dr. Guy Schumann is the founder and a principal scientist at RSS-Hydro. Dr. Schumann is also a Research Fellow at Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol and an affiliate at the Dartmouth Flood Observatory (DFO), INSTAAR at the University of Colorado Boulder, CO. He received both the MSc (Remote Sensing) and PhD (Geography) degrees from the University of Dundee (United Kingdom) in 2005 and 2008, respectively. Dr. Schumann has more than 15 years of experience in the field of remote sensing data integration with hydrodynamic modeling and particularly radar remote sensing and its use in flood models. Dr. Schumann has over 150 publications, including papers, book chapters, and edited books. Most of his current work and projects focusing on simulating river hydrodynamics and floodplain inundation and integration with remote sensing. Dr. Schumann is also involved in the Interoperability Program activities of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)




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