Electricity and Magnetism

· Courier Dover Publications
6 arvustust

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This outstanding text for a two-semester course is geared toward physics undergraduates who have completed a basic first-year physics course. The coherent treatment offers several notable features, including 300 detailed examples at various levels of difficulty, a self-contained chapter on vector algebra, and a single chapter devoted to radiation that cites interrelationships between various analysis methods.
Starting with chapters on vector analysis and electrostatics, the text covers electrostatic boundary value problems, formal and microscopic theories of dielectric electrostatics and of magnetism and matter, electrostatic energy, steady currents, and induction. Additional topics include magnetic energy, circuits with nonsteady currents, Maxwell's equations, radiation, electromagnetic boundary value problems, and the special theory of relativity. Exercises appear at the end of each chapter and answers to odd-numbered problems are included in one of several helpful appendixes.

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6 arvustust

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