European Responses to Globalization and Financial Market Integration: Perceptions of Economic and Monetary Union in Britain, France and Germany

· Springer

ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

This book investigates the perceptions of political actors towards the creation of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) in Europe. The research is largely based on personal interviews conducted with key informants in central banks, finance ministries, employers' organizations and trade unions in Britain, France and Germany. It examines why actors perceived EMU to serve or frustrate their interests. It concludes that actors favoured EMU for a variety of reasons. The book contributes to the literature of European integration and incorporates economic, political and historical facts.


AMY VERDUN is Assistant Professor of European Politics at the University of Victoria, Canada. She worked at the European Commission, at the Directorate-General of Economic and Financial Affairs at a time in which the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) was being negotiated in an intergovernmental conference. She has published widely in the area of European integration, including articles in the Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of Public Policy and Journal of European Integration.

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