Everything Including the Kitchen Sink!: Cookbook

· Trafford Publishing

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Anne Komorowskis Everything Including the Kitchen Sink! Cookbook shows you a lot of recipes everyone will surely love. From appetizers, bread, salads, desserts, and not-the-usual ones, the book offers more help, including food preservation. This will even help people who dont know how to cook.

Delve in to Annes kitchen pleasures!

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The author was born in Cleveland, Ohio, and was raised on a farm in North Royalton. She was a legal secretary and is a certified paralegal and an accomplished writer. She also had a food column known as “Anne’s Kitchen” for several years in a local newspaper.

Anne is a collector of cookbooks. She is a widow with three sons and is now residing in Warsaw, Ohio. If you have any questions, please see the inside of her book for contact information.

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