Exercises for Parkinson's Disease: The Complete Fitness Guide to Improve Mobility, Strength and Balance

· Exercises for 18-р ном · Hatherleigh Press
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Exercises for Parkinson’s Disease is the complete guide to achieving better health, providing everything from tips on how to structure your day to take full advantage of higher energy periods, to tailor-made workout programs designed to boost mobility and balance. Studies have shown that exercise improves fitness and energy levels in Parkinson’s patients, while also relieving pain and helping them retain control in their daily life.

Exercises for Parkinson’s Disease works as an integrated part of any Parkinson’s treatment plan, optimizing mobility, increasing strength and minimizing pain, while providing lifestyle tips to keep you motivated and moving forward.

Exercises for Parkinson’s Disease also includes:
- A detailed overview of how exercise can improve Parkinson’s disease symptoms
- Clear, informative pictures of safe, effective exercises
- Information on Parkinson’s life-hacks for relaxation and motivation
- Detailed instructions on how to perform each movement
- A complete fitness approach to restoring functionality

Featuring expert-approved fitness techniques, with options ranging from resistance training to mobility movements to light strength exercises, Exercises for Parkinson’s Disease is the all-in-one resource for anyone looking to take back control and live their best life!

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William Smith, MS, NSCA-CSCS, MEPD works for a nationally recognized healthcare system in the New York metropolitan area providing health and wellness services. His focus is in special populations and how healthcare providers and fitness professionals can work more closely together. His previous books include Exercises for Perfect Posture, Exercises for Brain Health, and Exercises for Cardiac Recovery.

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