Ford GT: Then, and Now

· Veloce Publishing Ltd
2 рецензијe
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О овој е-књизи

This book contains new information and a different view of the Ford GT legend. Drivers have been interviewed. Never before seen historical and new photographic records have been included. Some of the old myths and legends have been revisited. The enemies of the Ford GT on the racing track have been included. The Ford GT replica industry gets its overdue day in the limelight. The stories of various original Ford GT survivors have been included, but most important of all, as many Ford GT drivers that could be found have been given their place on the Roll of Honor.

Оцене и рецензије

2 рецензијe

О аутору

Adrian Graham Streather was born on December 25, 1958. Upon leaving school he joined the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) in 1975, where he trained as a Scientific Instrument Maker and gained additional qualifications in the electronics field. After a varied career in the aviation industry, he now lives in Australia with his family. Adrian is a prolific author, specialising in the Porsche marque, and has written a number of books that have been published by Veloce, including the Essential Companion series, and several in the Essential Buyer's Guide series.

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