Formula 5000 Motor Racing: Back Then... And Back Now

· Veloce Publishing Ltd
1 მიმოხილვა

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

This book is a trip down memory lane, recalling the days when Formula 5000 cars roared around the race tracks in Britain and Europe, creating a lot of noise and, occasionally, dust. The wail of a 5-litre engine was often more spine-tingling that ANY other racing car! Nowadays, many of the same cars show modern day spectators just what Formula 5000 was, back in the day. Few, if any, of the drivers are prima-donnas and many want to know what their car did before it came into their possession. This book answers those questions and many more.

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1 მიმოხილვა

ავტორის შესახებ

Derek Lawson is a native of Houghton-le-Spring. He lived there for the first twenty-three years of his life and now lives in Cheshire. His introduction to motorsport came in 1975, after he was invited to a club race meeting at Croft; several visits followed. After moving south in 1982, Derek frequented Brands Hatch and Silverstone, mainly for Grands Prix but also the occasional club meeting. A move back north to his present home at the beginning of 1990 introduced him to Oulton Park, and he became a Marshal at meetings there. He is currently training to be a Clerk-of-the Course.

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