Gather & Graze: 120 Favorite Recipes for Tasty Good Times: A Cookbook

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From beloved Chicago restaurateur Stephanie Izard, named one of "10 Breakthrough Rock Star Chefs of 2016" by Rolling Stone, comes a cookbook with flavor and fun at the forefront, with more than 100 recipes and 100 photographs.

Since becoming Top Chef's first female winner, Stephanie Izard opened three restaurants in Chicago, traveled around China, and became an Iron Chef. And now she's here to share her next adventure: a cookbook with recipes that hit all of the right salty, savory, tangy, and sweet notes. Her craveable, knockout food pairings--the ones her fans have been clamoring for--will surprise and delight any home cook: Banh Mi Burgers, Duck Breast with Brown Butter Kimichi, Roasted Shishito Peppers with Sesame Miso and Parmesan, and Sticky Sweet Potato Cake with Blueberry-Tomatillo Jam.

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STEPHANIE IZARD is the executive chef and co-owner of the award-winning restaurants Girl & the Goat, Little Goat Diner, and Duck Duck Goat in Chicago. She was the first female winner on Bravo's Top Chef, received the James Beard Award for Best Chef: Great Lakes, and was one of Food & Wine magazine's Best New Chefs in 2010. She most recently won the Iron Chef title on the Food Network's Iron Chef. She lives with her family in Chicago.

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