Genetics Demystified

· McGraw Hill Professional
3 шүүмж
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There’s no easier, faster, or more practical way to learn the really tough subjects

Genetics Demystified offers an up-to-date, highly readable explanation of the basic principles of genetics, covering key topics such as human genetics, DNA, heredity, mutations, traits, chromosomes, and much more. This self-teaching guide comes complete with key points, background information, quizzes at the end of each chapter, and even a final exam. Simple enough for beginners but challenging enough for advanced students, this is a lively and entertaining brush-up, introductory text, or classroom supplement.

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3 шүүмж

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Edward Willet is a science columnist for radio and newspapers and a former news editor. The author of more than 30 books, including nonfiction on topics as diverse as computing, disease, history, and quantum physics, as well as several science fiction and fantasy novels, he is the recipient of awards from the National Science Teachers Association, the Children's Book Council, and VOYA magazine, among others.

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