Gizzi's Kitchen Magic

· Random House
5 шүүмж
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Gizzi Erskine's magic touch is simple but effective. Instead of just dazzling one-off recipes, Gizzi gives you - the cook - confidence in the kitchen by helping you create the perfect meal every time. She'll provide you with techniques and tips that make time spent in the kitchen a real success. From showing you how to master pasta dough and mix marvellous marinades, to making foolproof pastry and poaching the perfect eggs, Gizzi will ensure that cookery demons are a thing of the past.

As well as these techniques, Gizzi also adds an extra sparkle to some classic recipes. Whether it's sprinkling some rosemary into your millionaire's shortbread, infusing your chocolate fudge cake with Earl Grey, or combining old favourites in new ways - such as Mexican chicken tortilla soup - Gizzi's Kitchen Magic guarantees you'll soon be cooking with flair.

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5 шүүмж

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Gizzi Erskine is a cook and TV presenter best known for being one of the presenters of Channel 4's Cook Yourself Thin and an author of the bestselling book by the same name.She trained at the prestigious Leith's School of Food and Wine, before going on to work at BBC Good Food magazine and is now a regular chef on GMTV, This Morning and Sky One's Taste. She is the food columnist for Company magazine and has contributed to Marie Claire, In Style, Elle USA, and Arena, among others. Gizzi lives in London.

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