Go Dinghy Sailing

· A&C Black
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Assuming no prior knowledge, this entry level guide aims to inspire novices of all ages to give sailing a try. Conveying the fun, accessibility and exhilaration of sailing, it covers everything the beginner needs to learn about, whether they are young, middle aged or taking up sailing as a family.

Topics include:
- How to get started
- Where (and how) to find a club
- Choosing the right type of boat
- The differences between cruising and racing a dinghy
- Learning to sail
- Trolleying, trailing, launching and recovery
- and much, much more

Colour photographs illustrate each section.

Also included is a DVD featuring the authors demonstrating what they've described in the book, which should inspire newcomers by showing them that they too can learn how to sail a dinghy even if they've never been on the water before.

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