'Highly Commended' in the Psychiatry section of the 2012 BMA Book Awards
Helen Herrman is Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre in Mental Health, Melbourne. She has been Secretary of Publications for the World Psychiatric Association since 2005 She is also Regional Vice-President Oceania, World Federation for Mental Health, and Vice-President of the International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Mario Maj is President of the World Psychiatric Association. Formerly he has been President of the Italian Psychiatric Association (since 2000); President of the Italian Society of Biological Psychiatry (since 1990); Secretary-General of the Association of European Psychiatrists (2001-2002); President of the Association of European Psychiatrists (2002).
Norman Sartorius is President of the International Association for the Promotion of Mental Health Programmes. Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists and of the American College of Psychiatry; Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. Member of the WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Mental Health and a member of the WPA Council.