Suspecting that Keenan's nothing but a hound, Tory joins the round-table under an alias. She's shocked that he's more than just a smooth-talking seducer . . . and that he's even more gorgeous than she had heard. As for Keenan, before long he finds himself warming up to Barbra the dog and feeling the heat with Tory . . . and learning that not even his own advice could have prepared him for finally falling in love.
Elaine Fox has spent enough of her life datingto know that the scenarios described in this book arecompletely plausible -- though she disclaims any direct experience with any of them. Fortunately,however, she has been able to parlay this extendedsearch for romance into a career and hopesher readers appreciate the cathartic experience whileliving happily-ever-after lives themselves. Elainecurrently lives in Virginia.