How We Love, Expanded Edition: Discover Your Love Style, Enhance Your Marriage

· በWaterBrook የተሸጠ
39 ግምገማዎች

ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

Did you know the last fight you had with your spouse began long before you even met?
Are you tired of falling into frustrating relational patterns in your marriage? Do you and your spouse fight about the same things again and again?
Relationship experts Milan and Kay Yerkovich explain why the ways you and your spouse relate to each other go back to before you even met. Drawing on the powerful tool of attachment theory, Milan and Kay explore how your childhood created an “intimacy imprint” that affects your marriage today. Their stories and practical ideas help you:

* identify your personal love style
* understand how your early life impacts you and your spouse
* break free from painful patterns that keep you stuck
* find healing for the source of conflict, not just the symptoms
* create the close, nourishing relationship you dream about

Revised throughout with all-new material and additional visual diagrams, this expanded edition of How We Love will bring vibrant life to your marriage. Are you ready for a new journey of love?
Note: The revised and expanded How We Love Workbook is available separately.

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39 ግምገማዎች


Milan Yerkovich is a weekly talk show host on the New Life Live! radio program. An ordained pastor with a master’s degree in biblical studies, he has been helping couples and families build healthier relationships for more than twenty-five years. Previously a pastoral counselor for The Center for Individual and Family Therapy, Milan now teaches seminars on relationships and intimacy and is cofounder of Relationship 180°, a non-profit ministry for Christian leaders and laity.

Kay Yerkovich is a licensed marriage and family therapist with a master’s degree in counseling. She has been using attachment theory in her professional counseling of couples and families for more than thirteen years.

The Yerkoviches have been married thirty-three years and are the parents of four adult children. They make their home in Southern California.

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