How to Be Great at Your Job

· Chronicle Books
5 arvustust

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In this easily accessible manual, discover a few simple rules to finding success in your career.

From an author who climbed to the top of the corporate ladder before reaching age forty, this book takes the guesswork out of career success and breaks down what it takes to excel at your job. It covers the basics, like the universal requirements of every workplace—working with other people, making stellar presentations, communicating effectively over email. And it also goes into how to get promoted sooner, impress the people high up on the corporate ladder, and do it all while maintaining your personal life and without working crazy hours. With helpful tips and simple advice, this professional guidebook is just right for someone new to the workplace or for a mid-life career changer.

Hinnangud ja arvustused

5 arvustust

Teave autori kohta

Justin Kerr is the president of Imprint Projects and formerly an executive at Gap, Old Navy, Levi's, and UNIQLO. He lives in New York City.

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