How to Raise a Jewish Child: A Practical Handbook for Family Life

· Прадавец: Schocken
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From the New York Times bestselling author of The Red Tent—a classic parenting book that combines insights from Jewish tradition with contemporary thinking about how children learn and grow.

In this updated edition, you will discover the practices, customs, and values that go into creating a Jewish home and raising joyful children within the rich traditions of Judaism.

Звесткі пра аўтара

ANITA DIAMANT is the author of six books about Jewish life, including The New Jewish Wedding, Living a Jewish Life, and Saying Kaddish. She is also the author of three novels, including The Red Tent. She lives in Newton, Massachusetts.

KAREN KUSHNER is the director of Project Welcome, a San Francisco outreach initiative welcoming interfaith families, unaffiliated Jews, and spiritual seekers into synagogues. The co-author of four children's books, including Because Nothing Looks Like God, she lives in San Francisco.

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