How to Write a Grant Proposal

· Saltzailea: John Wiley & Sons
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Step-by-step guidance on how to write effective grants that get the funding you need. Complete with examples of fully-completed proposals, you'll also get an easy-to-use companion website containing guide sheets and templates that can be easily downloaded, customized, and printed. The authors provide examples of completed proposals and numerous case studies to demonstrate how the grant-seeking process typically works.

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CHERYL CARTER NEW and JAMES AARON QUICK are the sole owners and directors of Polaris Corporation. Polaris teaches grantsmanship to nonprofit organizations (The United Way National Training Center, the Non-Profit Center, and the Kellogg Foundation), primary and secondary schools, and for-profit and nonprofit healthcare facilities using three primary mediums: workshops, consulting services, and resource publishing. They lead over 100 workshops that have taught more than 4,000 people per year how to develop and plan projects, research funders, and write grants.

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