In Business Diplomacy by Multinational Corporations, Huub Ruël turns to Catholic Social Thought (CST), an intellectual tradition extending back 2000 years that promotes the key principles of human dignity, the common good, solidarity and subsidiarity. According to CST, a business is a community of people and its purpose is to serve the common good. This clearly diverges from the dominant shareholder view of business and CST provides a basis for a normative business diplomacy model. This in turn provides a clear, distinctive instrument for MNCs to reflect on their purpose and role in the global society while also guiding and directing their relationship-building actions with other actors in the global society.
This book is essential reading for researchers studying ethics and morality from an international business viewpoint.
Huub Ruël is an internationally acknowledged scholar on business diplomacy and is currently a senior visiting fellow at the Mathias Corvinus Collegium in Budapest, Hungary. Dr. Ruël holds a master's degree in psychology and Theology and a PhD in Human Resource Management.