I Ching Acupuncture - The Balance Method: Clinical Applications of the Ba Gua and I Ching

· Singing Dragon
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I Ching Acupuncture - The Balance Method is a system of acupuncture point selection based on the principles of Chinese philosophy and classic Chinese texts, including the I Ching, Nei Jing Su Wen and Ling Shu. In this unique book Dr. Twicken presents classic Chinese philosophical models that explain the relationships between philosophy, Chinese medical principles, acupuncture channels and the human body. The models are the He Tu, Luo Shu Nine Palaces, Early Heaven Ba Gua, Later Heaven Ba Gua, Twelve-Stage Growth Cycle, Stems and Branches and the Chinese calendar. These models and theories clearly show the relationships between the acupuncture channels and the human body and provide guiding theory for acupuncture strategies and point selection. I Ching Acupuncture presents six Balance Methods. This clinically effective system of acupuncture is based on minimal and distal acupuncture treatments.

I Ching Acupuncture - The Balance Method is a valuable and effective acupuncture system that can complement any practice.


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David Twicken is a licensed acupuncturist and professor and practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine, Qi Gong, feng shui and Chinese astrology. He has studied the Asian arts for 30 years. He resides in Los Angeles, California.

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