I Don't. I Don't. I Do!

· Hungry Mutt, LLC
1 則評論


Decisions. Decisions. Decisions. He doesn't want to turn off the TV. He doesn't want to eat his spinach. He doesn't want to clean up his mess. And he definitely doesn't want to take a bath! But not doing these things could create some problems, and then he could easily end up having a very bad day. Thankfully, there's a secret solution to his dilemmas.


1 則評論


Before she began writing, Linda Cooper taught English in New Orleans high schools and English as a Second Language at Tulane University.The title and idea for I Don't. I Don't. I Do! came to her overnight: I woke one morning with it swirling in my head. But there it remained germinating for years while she was raising children and teaching.During that time, she noticed how often the book's premise applied to adults. To students studying to earn a degree or teachers grading papers to earn a paycheck. Even to writers like Dorothy Parker, who once quipped: "I hate writing; I love having written." How true, Cooper said, pleased that she finally sat down and transformed I don't into I do.

Artist Jonathan R. Hodge is a graduate of the Columbus College of Art and Design. His portfolio includes medical illustrations for Stanford University, commissioned portraits on copper plates, and a large history painting entitled "The Wrath of Katrina," depicting people stranded in the floodwaters of the hurricane that hit New Orleans in 2005.He was a featured speaker at the 2012 Seventh International Conference on the Arts in Society held in Liverpool, England, in conjunction with the Cultural Olympiad, an extension of the last year's London Olympics.




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