Ice Cream Sandwiches: 65 Recipes for Incredibly Cool Treats [A Cookbook]

· በTen Speed Press የተሸጠ
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ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

A sweet collection of 50 recipes for ice cream sandwiches from London's popular Buttercup Bake Shop.

Ice cream sandwiches are the perfect treat for both kids and adults, whether you prefer zesty lemon ice cream surrounded by soft ginger cookies or fudgey brownies encasing refreshing mint chocolate chip ice cream, indulgently dipped in chocolate. Somehow, combining crunchy, buttery cookies with creamy, cold ice cream makes both elements better. 
The tantalizing recipes in Ice Cream Sandwiches pair easy-to-make frozen fillings and simple cookies and other baked goods to create delightful treats ranging from classics to decadent combinations like snickerdoodles with vanilla ice cream, caramel, and butterscotch; pumpkin spice cookies with mascarpone ice cream; and rose meringues. With make-ahead instructions and fun decorating ideas for Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Christmas, and other celebrations, this engaging and colorful cookbook has a sublime ice cream sandwich recipe for every occasion.

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DONNA EAGAN is the founder of Buttercup Cake Shop, London’s first cupcakery, with multiple locations throughout the greater London area. Buttercup has been recognized in many publications, including Time Out, Metro, Daily Mail, Financial Times, and Conde Nast’s Brides. Originally from California, she lives in South London with her husband and two daughters.

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