In Search of the Proverbs 31 Man: The One God Approves and a Woman Wants

· 出版商:WaterBrook
16 則評論


The Secrets to Finding, Nurturing–or Being–an Irresistible Man.

Never before has the search for real connection between the sexes been more important–or more confusing. Single women want to know what they should ask for–not settle for–in a mate, while married women wonder how they can nurture godly character traits in their husbands. Men, both single and married, wonder what women really want. Both genders are long on questions and short on answers.

Where Can Men and Women Go for Help?

In Proverbs 31, Scripture presents a powerful composite of a virtuous woman. But what about the virtuous man–what does the Bible say about him? Popular Bible teacher Michelle McKinney Hammond tackles this timely and important question, digging into Scripture to study key men–from Adam to Christ himself, the ultimate bridegroom–to learn what God requires of husbands and men, and to lay out a trustworthy model of how men and women can live in healthy, fulfilling relationship.

Find out what you can do to identify, nurture–or become–a truly godly man and mate in In Search of the Proverbs 31 Man.

“This is not a man bashing book, but one that champions the original design for their lives. Women need real men.” –Michelle McKinney Hammond


16 則評論


Michelle McKinney Hammond, founder of HeartWing Ministries, is a vibrant author and speaker known for her insights into relationships between men and women. Her books include How to Be Blessed and Highly Favored, The Power of Femininity, and Secrets of an Irresistible Woman. She has been a keynote speaker for several women’s conferences, including Women of Virtue and Focus on the Family conferences, and is co-anchor of the Chicago-based, syndicated, Emmy-nominated TV talk show Aspiring Women.




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