Innovation Policy: A Guide for Developing Countries

· World Bank Publications
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Innovation in all its forms, particularly technological innovation, has become a crucial driver of growth, enhancing competitiveness and increasing social well-being in all economies of the world. In a broad and diversified sense, innovation comprises not only the creation of new technology, but even more important, it includes the diffusion and use of products, processes, and practices that are new in a given country context. Inspired by the experiences of both industrial and developing countries, this book focuses on the needs and issues of the latter. Aiming at creating a climate in which innovative initiatives can multiply and flourish, innovation policy, by its very nature, touches such diverse policy areas as education and training, skills development, science and research, the business environment, information and communication technology, and other infrastructure. Adopting this interdepartmental perspective, this guidebook presents, in detail, the actions required in such a varied set of policy areas that typically work in silos. It offers also insights on the implementation of innovation policies in the difficult contexts of low and medium income countries characterized by the resistance of innovation systems to significant improvements. 'Innovation Policy: A Guide for Developing Countries' is geared toward the policy-making community. This large group includes not only those who deal directly with technology, industry, science, and education but also those in charge of finance and economics. Indeed, it includes the top government leadership, which plays a crucial role in successful innovation policies.

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