Integrated Care in Action: A Practical Guide for Health, Social Care and Housing Support

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· Jessica Kingsley Publishers

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Integration is now a key expectation within the delivery of health and social care services in the UK and internationally. However, it still remains difficult to achieve and sustain in practice. Based on learning from successful, and unsuccessful, integrated care initiatives, this book is an invaluable guide for those responsible for leading, managing and delivering integrated care across health, social care and housing.

Written by an experienced team of researchers who have studied, led and supported integrated care for many years Integrated Care in Practice draws on latest evidence, innovative practice and helpful theory. It provides insights into the common pitfalls that such initiatives can encounter and demonstrates positive approaches to anticipating and responding to such challenges. Throughout, real-case examples are provided, and concepts and models are connected with the realities of day-to-day life for those working within these services.

Integrated care is a goal to aspire to - this book helps to explain how we can turn this goal into practical action and positive outcomes.


Robin Miller is Senior Fellow and Director of Consultancy at Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham. Robin is Co-Editor of the Journal of Integrated Care and has worked, researched and written on integrated care for over 20 years.
Catherine Mangan is Senior Fellow at the Institute for Local Government Studies and Director of the Public Services Academy, University of Birmingham.
Hilary Brown is Senior Fellow and Director of Policy at the Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham. This follows careers in the NHS, journalism and PR.

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