Is This Normal?: The Essential Guide to Middle Age and Beyond

· Rodale Books саткан
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A collection of vital information that answers readers' most pressing questions about how age impacts their bodies.

Many people are embarrassed to bring their everyday health anxieties to their physicians or even to ask for advice from family and friends. They might think that depression, failing eyesight, memory loss, and other difficulties that change their quality of life are normal because of their age. This is where Is This Normal? steps in and lets readers know whether or not these changes should be a concern or an expected part of aging.

With compassion, reassurance, and friendly guidance, Dr. John Whyte, chief medical expert at the Discovery Channel, provides the essential tools for dealing with the common health issues that arise as we get older, proving that you can stay active and healthy at any age.

"Using soothing language and a gentle sense of humor, Whyte...tries to separate fact from rumor." —The Washington Post

"All your embarrassing aging questions answered—finally!"—Vital Juice

Автор жөнүндө

JOHN WHYTE , MD, MPH, is the chief medical expert and vice president of health and medical education at the Discovery Channel. He lives in Washington, DC.

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