What are Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and how do they fit in with Christianity? For over 40 years, the author, Ivan Rudolph, has been conducting interviews, studying hundreds of accounts and now has clarity about this mysterious phenomenon. The truth is surprising, exciting, and ultimately relevant for everyone.
Did you know that there are at least 16 million Americans who have had an NDE, including celebrities like Goldie Hawn, Sharon Stone, Elizabeth Taylor, Nikki Sixx, Burt Reynolds, and many others? Did you know that they are a part of a huge family of 350 million "returnees" alive today?
The problem is, many returnees remain confused about their experience. They fear they will never feel normal again and seeking empathy seems impossible from loved ones that don't understand. This is not only a guide to help the confused, traumatized and, sometimes, depressed returnees incorporate their experiences successfully back into their relationships and life on earth. The thoroughly research text will help families and loved ones to provide support and understand what the returnee is going through.
“Very well presented, with substantial, solid evidence; well-explained point by point. From an Orthodox viewpoint its theology is sound.” —Father John D’Alton, Orthodox Priest
As a child in Africa, Ivan was fascinated by his father's NDE and began talking to others who had similar experiences. In time, he developed a clear explanation for these fascination events. In this, his twelfth published book, he provides a penetrating and lucid Christian model available for understanding these exciting but confusing adventures in the afterlife. Ivan is a highly qualified science teacher. Ivan, Brenda, and their four children immigrated to Australia in 1986, where he taught science for many years. For more information, please visit his website: www.ivanrudolph.com.