Jane Austen's Guide to Thrift: An Independent Woman's Advice on Living within One's Means

· 销售商:Penguin


Embrace your inner Jane and find a new way of life in thrift!


Jane Austen knew that wealth and grandeur had little to do with happiness, and that fashionable new dresses and reticules to impress Mr. Darcy simply were not the path to fulfillment—especially when one accrues debt in the process. It’s as true today as it was then . . .


Whether you have a fortune or not, you’re well advised to make the most of your income—and save for your future. Now, using the timeless wisdom and example of Jane Austen’s memorable heroines, this book offers everything the modern lady needs to know about:

*Clever investing

*Keeping up appearances on a budget

*Giving and receiving graciously

*Finding treasures at flea markets and church rummage sales

*Planning a party that only looks extravagant

*And more

Jane Austen’s Guide to Thrift shows how to make your circumstances significantly less reduced, and how to live a life of elegent economy and joyful generosity—whether you’ve as much as Emma Woodhouse or as little as Miss Bates.


Kathleen Anderson and Susan Jones have published essays in Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal and numerous other academic and creative journals. They are both professors of English and members of the Jane Austen Society of North America.




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