Karate Breaking Techniques: With Practical Applications for Self-Defense

· Tuttle Publishing
6 рецензија
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О овој е-књизи

Karate Breaking Techniques is the first book devoted solely to the art and techniques of breaking objects.

The author, a highly experienced martial arts instructor and former Green Beret, explains clearly and systematically how to break boards, bricks, and other objects, and discusses practical applications of these techniques for self-defense.

With over 500 outstanding photographs and sketches, this karate book demonstrates the breaks themselves, then, in a simple, step-by-step manner, teaches how to execute them properly and safely. Although kola and fighting principles differ from style to style, breaking remains a constant, no matter what the style. Therefore, although martial artists may fight differently, execute kato differently or execute entirely different sets of kala, all students of all styles can use the information set out in Karate Breaking Techniques to master the art of breaking.

Beginning with thorough coverage of the basics and on examination of the three principles of speed, power, and penetration, the author explains the importance of focus, body conditioning, proper placement of objects to be broken, breath control, and other vital aspects of the art. Hand, kicking, flying, and combination breaking techniques are discussed in detail, and the book concludes with instructions for performing impressive demonstration techniques.

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6 рецензија

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