Kissing the Cowboy

· Circle B Ranch 5. liburua · Kennedy Fox
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After drinking a bottle of wine, Harper tells her business rival that she recently got engaged. Once the hangover wears off, Harper realizes she now needs a fake fiancŽ or to admit she lied. Wanting to avoid the backlash, she asks her childhood best friend for a favor.

She can pretend sheÕs not in love with him, but her traitorous body reveals otherwise.

Ethan Bishop will do anything for Harper, even if itÕs crazy and means risking his heart. Pretending to be engaged to the woman heÕs always loved proves to be difficultÑespecially when repressed feelings bubble to the surface.

He only wants to help, but everyone in his life sees through his fa�ade.

ItÕs hard to know whatÕs real or fake when their private moments turn intimate. When they cross the line and fall between the sheets, the truth is undeniable.Ê

Just as they feared, their friendshipÕs no longer the same. However, one thingÕs certainÑthereÕs no going back now.

**Kissing the Cowboy is a complete stand-alone and can be read without reading any of the other books or spin-off series, but if you prefer to read in order, start with Hitching the Cowboy as the characters and families do interconnect.**

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