Liars' Paradox

· A Jack and Jill Thriller წიგნი 1 · Pinnacle Books
3 მიმოხილვა

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

New York Times bestselling author Taylor Stevens introduces a pair of wild cards into the global spy game—a brother and sister who were raised to deceive—and trained to kill . . .

From earliest memory they’ve been taught to hide, to hunt, to survive. Jack and Jill, feuding twins who can never stop running. Clare, mentor more than mother, steeped them in the art of espionage, honed their skills in weaponry, surveillance, and sabotage. But as they grew older they came to question her motives, her methods—and her sanity . . .

Now twenty-six, the twins are trying to lead normal lives. But when Clare goes missing, they realize her paranoid delusions are real. A twisted trail from the CIA to the KGB will lead them to an underground network of global assassins where hunters become the hunted.

Where everyone wants them dead . . .

“The best thriller I've read this year. . . right up there with Lisa Gardner and Lee Child.”
—Allison Brennan

“A twisting tale of espionage and revenge, compelling and addicting.”
—Jamie Freveletti

“An exceptional thriller . . . the most fascinating characters I've seen in years. Bravo!”
—John Gilstrap

“A high-octane thriller.”
—Jeff Abbott

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3 მიმოხილვა

ავტორის შესახებ

Taylor Stevens is a critically acclaimed, multiple awards–winning, New York Times bestselling author of international thrillers including the first Jack and Jill thriller, Liars’ Paradox. Stevens is best known for high-octane stories populated with fascinating characters in vivid boots-on-the-ground settings, and she has seen her books optioned for film and published in over twenty languages. In addition to writing novels, Stevens shares extensively about the mechanics of storytelling, writing, and overcoming adversity and relates the details of her journey into publishing at She welcomes you to join her.

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