Living a Life that Matters

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Libro electrónico

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From the author of the huge bestseller When Bad Things Happen to Good People, a profound and practical book about doing well by doing good.

In this timely and compelling book, Harold Kushner addresses our craving for significance, the need to know that our lives and choices mean something. We do great things, and occasionally terrible things, to reassure ourselves that we matter to the world. We sometimes confuse fame, power, and wealth with true achievement.

Rabbi Kushner suggests that the path to a truly successful and significant life lies in friendship, family, acts of generosity and self-sacrifice, as well as God's forgiving nature. He describes how, in changing the life of even one person in a positive way, we make a difference in the world, give our lives meaning, and prove that we do in fact matter.

Persuasive and sympathetic, anecdotal and commonsensical, Living a Life that Matters inspires and uplifts.

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