Make Money with Condominiums and Townhouses

· Прадавец: John Wiley & Sons
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In the Make Money series, renowned real estate investor and bestselling author Gary W. Eldred shows you how to profit from the safest, most reliable wealth builder in the world-real estate. With coverage of all the fundamentals-from finding the right properties to financing and managing them-Eldred shows you the ropes so you don't have to learn important lessons the hard way. Unlike general guides to investing in real estate, each title in the Make Money series gives you the specialized expertise necessary to fully profit from a select investment strategy.

Make Money with Condominiums and Townhouses shows homebuyers and investors how to travel the road to real estate wealth-often with little or nothing down. As an affordable investment vehicle, condominiums and townhouses offer numerous advantages over other types of rental property-they require relatively little day-to-day management, they tend to attract more desirable tenants than other rental properties, and they offer low risk and high returns. Full of time-tested techniques and proven money-making strategies, Make Money with Condominiums and Townhouses will show you how to:
* Relax while you put your money to work
* Find properties with high rates of appreciation
* Evaluate homeowner association finances
* Choose profitable locations
* Understand the changing demographics that may affect your investment
* Finance your properties with little or no money down
* Achieve positive cash flow quickly
* Build up equity
* Understand by-laws, disclosure statements, and management contracts

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GARY W. ELDRED, PHD, has been involved in more than a hundred real estate projects as a buyer, seller, or investment consultant. Dr. Eldred has also taught numerous graduate courses in real estate at America's top universities, including Stanford, the University of Virginia, and the University of Illinois. He is also the author of Make Money with Small Income Properties and Make Money with Fixer-Uppers and Renovations, and coauthor of the bestseller Investing in Real Estate, Fourth Edition, all published by Wiley.

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